the shoot

The day of the shoot is always nerve-wracking and stressful, and a few things always seem to go wrong. The first issue of the day we faced was camera, and setting the white balance. Because we were shooting mostly outdoors, and with the sun constantly changing between shots, we wanted to set our white balance to 5600k so we wouldn’t have to worry about it for the rest of the shoot, but it took about half an hour to figure out how to find the settings to do this, even though we covered it in class.

One of the main issues we faced on the day of the shoot was the wind, and because most of our filming was to be done outside, it proved to be quite difficult. Even though the weather isn’t something we have any choice over, if we were to do something different for next time, it would be to have a few safety days just in case the weather isn’t in our favour. Another thing I would do next time is shoot an indoor film, or really limit the amount of shots outdoors. The main shot that this effected was of the girl on the banana lounge reading a magazine (below), which she could hardly do with the wind.



Another issue I faced with doing camera was focusing outside. The viewfinder made it very difficult to see what was actually in focus, especially towards the end of the shoot when the sun was at it’s brightest.

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