The Film

Starts off with a man sitting on a chair with a small popcorn in one hand and a drink in the other, which he sips from. A dolly moving back reveals him in a movie theatre foyer. An employee emerges from the double doors of the cinema, with a large black garbage back, as he clips the door to stay open, he nods to the man as if to say “you can go in now.” The man gets up but quickly realises his cup is empty. He walks over to the candy bar and asks the female employee “do you do free refills?”. She is scratching a scratchy, but stops a few seconds after his question. She looks up at him, her nails chipped and her dark lipstick smudged, and motions to a sign above the machine “NO free refills”, and then continues on with her scratchy. He walks away.

The man is seated in the middle of an empty cinema, eating his popcorn, which he doesn’t seem to be enjoying as much as he would be if he had a drink. The screen suddenly turns black, and he looks around the cinema and sees no one, so he calls out and asks what’s going on. With no response, he stands up with a heavy sigh and walks up to the stairs to the foyer. As he pushes open the double doors to the foyer, he sees the employee/usher dancing under a large disco ball. He is wearing a cowboy hat. Blue and red lights flash and reflect off the disco ball as he dances to electronic pop in the middle of the foyer.

The man goes into the bathroom to escape what he has just witnessed. He is confused. He stands at the sink and looks at himself in the mirror. Is he dreaming? He thinks to himself. He splashes water in his face and as he opens his eyes, a man in a suit appears next to him and asks “towel?” motioning to the towel over his forearm. He takes the towel and starts to say thank you but stops mid sentence and backs out of the bathroom. He turns around once out of the bathroom and bumps into the employee, “sorry for the technical issues sir, the movie is now running”. He is still wearing the cowboy hat.

After the film’s end, he pulls into his driveway and walks quickly to the front door and is shaking with his keys in his hand as he tries to open the front door. Once inside, he leans against the door and releases a sigh of relief, until he hears the sound of his TV in the other room. He walks in and sees the usher and the candy bar worker sitting on his sofa watching TV. They briefly acknowledge him and go back to watching the television. The man walks over to the empty armchair and sits down, only to see himself on the TV of a famous scene in a film. As he sits there with his mouth open, confused, out of frame the employee hands him a bowl (or box) of popcorn. He looks at the popcorn still in disbelief, but as he takes it he closes his mouth and leans back into the chair and starts to eat the popcorn.

I was thinking of calling it RODEO.

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