
Lectorial exercise – ‘Media is everywhere’

For this exercise, we were put into groups of 4 with the people within the lecture, and we were sent to Melbourne Central to observe the use of Media in everyday life.

Actually looking around, looking for uses of media, it was quite interesting to see how much influence media has on people’s lives, without even noticing.

From “up high” in Melbourne Central, is was quite easy to see this hanging screen with rotating advertisings (below).


On the ground, there were not many examples of media, but we found a mat that advertised the Nandos store. This is a use of media because it advertises a store to both passer-goers and also customers of the store.


Examples seen mid-ground in Melbourne Central are the screen that are eye level and are also rotating through different advertisings.


Also seen at mid-ground is posters hanging on this wall, which change almost weekly, and are usually related to events.


Some more examples we had of the use of media in Melbourne Central was actually down in the subway where the use of media was heard through the broadcasts of the information of the trains.

“As multi-sensate begins, we are inundated with sense impressions all the time, but only some of them ever register in conscious awareness”

Some different types of noticing are the following:

-Intentional noticing

-Conscious noting

-Disciplined noticing

Most of the examples I provided in this post are intentional noticing because they sources of media are usually giving information that audiences need to continue their day.

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