Movement test

Since I have been using photography for most of my tests, focusing mostly on framing and lighting,and not so much on movement, it is important that I experiment with how lighting and movement communicate through film. For these tests, I borrow the EX3 camera from school and also used my own DSLR camera, Canon 6D with a Canon EF 50mm lens.

The blacks from the 6D camera compared to the EX3, are very different. With the DSLR, you cannot see anything in the background, as it is completely submerged in darkness, but with the EX3, you can see some of the background and even the ground in the foreground. Even though the framing is different because I used different focal lengths, the feet are both in frame, whereas you can them much more clearly in the EX3 footage. Although I think could have been different if I changed the exposure, because when I was filming it showed up as quite dark, but obviously now looking at it on a large screen, that is not the case. As I am focusing heavily on lighting during this project, I am glad I did this test because it shows me how the same light can show up different on different cameras. I actually prefer the outcome of the 6D footage as opposed to the EX3, because it has a similar look and vibe to how I was originally hoping for. Although, I do like the glare created in the EX3 footage, as it gives the shot more colour and is quite interesting.

Screen Shot 2015-10-12 at 5.05.42 pm
(Test from EX3)
Screen Shot 2015-10-12 at 5.06.08 pm
(Test from Canon 6D)

These two frames are important because they are almost exact to the shot that is in my storyboard.

I intend for the victim crouched down to be facing the man whilst she has a backlight from the car headlights. Both of the tests show the shot that I want, and I would be happy using either, but I actually prefer the footage from the ex3 in this frame, because there is more light around the head of the girl and it looks quite otherworldly, especially with the colours from the glare.

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