Location scouting

I’ve missed two classes this week so I’ve been trying to do some location scouting and exploring possible ideas while I’m unable to go to our actual classes. Before I start trying to figure out some more ideas and concepts for a possible film project, I thought I would work with trying to further work with the story from the previous writing exercise.

In my original post I wanted to explore some locations of either a school yard or typical places where a 10 year old would usually be found, like their backyard or the shops etc. I then remembered that there is this old run down school near a friends house that I briefly checked out and took a few photos (below). Personally, I have always been drawn to the kind of derelict and empty buildings as opposed to those full of life. I find there is more of a story to something that has been left behind. Also, if I were given the choice to shoot a populated location or an isolated location to portray the same meaning, almost every time I would choose the latter.

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I originally said that I wanted to film it in an abstract way, similar to the way we have in some shoots during class, but after actually going to the desired location, I found that this method would not be engaging enough if it were to be the only means of visual communication of a narrative. I would have to use them alongside other types of shots, maybe matching this abstract technique with a sequence of drama shots that actually act out either the action or the aftermath. With the use of narration I believe actually believe that the story could be portrayed this way, with the idea of showing the aftermath, with two kids trying to figure out what had just happened, while the narration actually tells what just happened.

I put together a few of the shots I took on location and organised them in a way I would if this were the real thing. I do think that the location could work well with creating a darker mood or vibe of the film. The location’s potential is quite minimal, I mean aesthetically I really like some of the shots I took, but it is quite a small space so it would be hard to find a lot of variety of shots. I’m also unsure of the practicality of this location because I’m not even sure if it is legal for me to even be there let alone film there, so that may be an issue if I were to progress this idea further, so at this point I’d say it is pretty unrealistic to film here.

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