Shooting with no intent of capturing visual concepts or ideas is quite an interesting task. The main outline we were given in today’s class is to go out in groups and create aesthetically pleasing shots, that would go towards making a short 1-2 minute abstract film. Our group went outside to the courtyard outside building 6 and 28. I have never thought about shooting here but the aesthetics of the area are quite consistent and could really work well in capturing shots that could work together.
We had to take on different roles for each shot, a DOP, a camera assistant and a camera operator. The first round of shots were more independently done, but we soon realised that we should probably go with the instructions, and with doing that I believe the shots were much more successful. It also made me feel a lot more comfortable, because with my first shot I just couldn’t seem to find a location and composition that I was happy with, so each having these separate roles meant we could all contribute to a shot.