Never having done a studio subject before, I really had no idea what I would be facing. Although upon entering the classroom I was happy to see a whole cart of cameras and tripods, it looked as if we were going to be thrown right into the technical stuff, and not spend a two hour class doing the awkward ‘getting to know you’ games.
The first task we were assigned was to pretty much just go out somewhere and take 50 seconds of footage. Paul introduced us to some new equipment I had never worked with before, so it was pretty daunting task to just have to figure out how to use the camera on my own. Although, I believe this worked out much better than a class walkthrough would have, because I got to actually fiddle around with different parts of the camera and I was able to learn from my mistakes. Paul also made the task less intimidating after stating that we will all probably fail this, which took the pressure away from bringing back this perfect shot.
The shot I took was way too over exposed. I liked the composition of the shot so I wanted to use it, but I just couldn’t find a way to fix the exposure, so I figured this would be one of those “learn from your mistakes” moments, which admittedly, it kind of was as I soon later learned how to correct the exposure.
This type of learning through practice method is something that I really look forward to for the duration of this studio. Some of the goals I had at the start of the year were to learn all different aspects of filmmaking and be confident in doing so, and so far it seems as though this studio offers this. Because I am not sure what area of filmmaking I want to pursue in the future, I am glad I will be given the opportunity to explore different types of equipment and technology and expand my knowledge on things I already have experience with.