Another assignment we had for my Sound Design elective course was to create a sound environment for a short film or video game sort of thing. I chose to create a sound design for a short film that I would make up. The fake short film that I used was entitled “The Door”. The concept behind the title is that the scene from this short film revolves around this mysterious door that manages to go unnoticed for the first half of the scene. I guess I kind of used this to my advantage because there is no visual, no one knows there is in fact a door there the whole time, so it draws on the idea of “who knows what when” and that the audience knows the least in this scene. This was an interesting task because I’ve never thought about creating a narrative without the use of visual elements (because when I submitted it I had to use a black screen, not a picture of Adam Sandler), but as I started to write the script I realised it wouldn’t be too difficult to create this scene using only sound. I had to note all the sounds that I would use, like dialogue, sound effects, music and atmosphere.


Microwave door open
Mug placed inside
Microwave door close
Buttons pressed
Microwave on
Microwave finish beep
Microwave door open
Mug taken out
Microwave door close
Spoon stirs and touches cup
Spoon placed on table
Sips drink
Knock at the door
Mug placed on table
Light switch turned on
Turn doorknob
Open door
ATMOS: birds chirping and suburban noises

Person 2: Hey, what’s up?
Person 1:
Hey, did we plan to do something today?
Person 2:
I mean TECHNICALLY no but isn’t it nice to be spontaneous sometimes? Like what is the point of living each day in a routinely fashion and doing the same thing day in and day out and getting almost nothing in return?
Person 1:
Is it necessary to give the same speech every time you come over? Just come inside.

Shuffling footsteps over the front door step
ATMOS fades out
Door closes
Door locks

Person 2: I brought Ginger Snaps 2.
Person 1:
Wait, there’s a second one??
Person 2:
Yeah, its like set in this mental hospital and it’s the same chick from the first movie but its not Ginger so it should be called like “Brigitte Snaps”, but I guess if they called it that then no one would watch it because who would watch a movie called “Brigitte Snaps”??? Exactly right, no one would. Actually, I’m not sure anyone would even watch a movie called Ginger Snaps 2 but here we are.
Person 1:
How come you always get to pick the movie?
Person 2: Because the last time you had that responsibility you picked Grown Ups 2. I mean I know you have a thing for Adam Sandler but you need to be reasonable, it is NOT the mid 90s anymore and you really need to get over it.
Person 1: Are you actually joking? Adam’s prime years extended to AT LEAST 1999, I mean have you not seen Big Daddy? It was a complete cinematic masterpiece of its time. Although, I don’t think it was appreciated very highly by film critics and stuff but my argument is that they simply did not understand it. 

Person 2: Wait a sec; has that door always been there?
Person 1: What door?
Person 2: That red door that says, “do not open”. Why have I never seen this before? Is it new? Have I just completely disregarded the fact that this door exists because I hate the colour red? But if that IS the case, then how can I see it right now?
Person 1: No, I am 90% sure that door has never been here before.
Person 2: Well, should we see what’s inside?
Person 1: It’s probably not safe. Anything could be behind that door. But we must. I guess.

Footsteps slowly approach the door
Creep suspenseful music plays
Doorknob turns
Door creaks open slowly

Person 2: Mum?
Other: (In deep voice) I’m not your mum

Screaming and growls

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