This class was heavily influenced on the idea that reflection is important, and because this is our last class of the semester, we have a lot to reflect on! Although I’ve never been one to benefit much from reflection. During this class we also did some course surveys about the teaching styles and approaches of our tutor. We were also asked to answer questions on a graph, and since I haven’t used a pen for this course it felt weird to actually write and draw lines??
I think I was a bit generous with my answers on this graph.
1) How much have I learnt about making media objects/stories?
Because I’ve come from a school that heavily promoted the arts and was really into students creating pieces of work, I already had a lot of experience with actually making media objects but I was never good at actually writing stories, so that is the aspect of making media products that I have learnt about during this course. Most of our project briefs have forced us to dive straight into creating a media object, and this way it doesn’t leave time for me to procrastinate and stress about not being able to create something perfect so this benefited me quite a bit.
2) What is my ability to work independently in unfamiliar ways or with new systems and tools?
I haven’t really needed to use any new tools except for mediafactory, but I mean that was pretty easy to pick up. As for systems, I don’t even know what this means. I think I’m generally able to pick things up pretty quickly, and I have been able to work independently in unfamiliar ways because I’ve never had a problem with this sort of thing before.
3) How much do I understand and think critically and creatively about what I make?
I think I improved a lot at this, because I was never really good at thinking critically about what I create AFTER it is created, but especially after reflecting over project brief 3 in week 7, I really understand its importance and was able to do so (hence why the graph rose at around week 7).
4) What is my understanding of the role/value of the blog?
In early weeks I thought the blog was a great tool to really get my thoughts out about lectures and tutes, but as the weeks progressed, it seemed to get repetitive and I forgot why it was even needed, so I really dreaded writing them each week. Although, towards the end of the course I thought more positively about them, but not as much as at first.
(I was unable to attend the lecture this week).