Not-so-Super Mario bros.

This was a final for an assessment I did for my elective Sound Design. We needed to create a design document for the implementation of a sound design for the Super Mario Bro’s game level provided. We needed to include a list of the sounds required and the roles these sounds will play in the sound design, and also how we will find or create the sounds required. Actually creating this document seemed like an easy task, but as I started to watch the video of the level provided, I realised that there was a significant amount of sounds used that I had never even noticed before, I was shocked. Some of the sound effects that I heard were: jumps, smashing empty boxes, smashing filled boxes, upgrades, shooting gun, sliding down winning pole, points calculating and the flag going up. They are just a select few of the sounds. We also needed to create our own music for both the background and the end winning sequence that has a different piece of music. I’ve never actually created music myself so this was a difficult experience. I used Logic Pro to create the music, and it wasn’t as hard as I was expecting because there were many music samples to work with. I was quite happy with my final project, but there were definitely things I could improve on, such as the music and getting the sound effects to match with the visuals perfectly. I feel as though my sound design was clear, balanced and work together to create a great experience for the game player.

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