Week 7 tute

During this tutorial we went through each of our project brief 3 finals, but this time we weren’t allowed to say anything about our work, Dan just pressed play and we had to sit back and freak out. I mean I didn’t freak out as much as I did for project brief 2, because I was much more confident in my final for this one because I put in a significant amount of more time and effort. It also seemed easier to do this on someone else because I am much more of who the subject is (because I know Christine, and I am not sure I know myself enough to do an accurate self portrait), and it was easier to spend longer on shoots because I think Christine is an interesting subject and it was intriguing to listen to her actually talk about herself in this setting, rather than just a social setting.

After we watched everyone’s finals, Dan assigned us to groups and we met and had to do a written feedback on a group member’s work, but because Jack wasn’t at this tutorial, Helen and I gave feedback on each other’s.


I really like the way Helen split the video into “segments”, and this was distinguishable because of the use of sound as the music changed for each part. When I think of a portrait of somebody, I assume there will be dialogue, but it wasn’t till afterwards that I realised that the subject didn’t actually speak, and it was quite interesting that dialogue wasn’t actually needed in this because I feel as though I learnt a fair bit about her without it. At the beginning, Ekey was shown in a very abstract sort of way, through the distorted editing used by Helen which changed the way her face looked in the first shot. I believe this is a great way to show a different side to the subject rather than just focusing on her hobbies and what she enjoys doing. Helen did a really good job on this project brief, especially since she said she didn’t do any media work at her high school, it is very impressive.

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