I know I’m not the only one that dreads presenting their work to a group of people. For this specific occasion, going into class to present our self-portrait videos, but because I had watched through it so many times during the post-production stage, I naively thought to myself, “this isn’t too bad, I won’t be embarrassed by ANY aspect of this. Although, this changed quickly when I saw my name on the screen, not first or second, which would have been fine because I would have gotten it over with, but almost last, which means while I sit there enjoying everyone else’s work, I have this sick feeling in my stomach. Come my turn to present, I’m shaking as I try to explain the meaning behind some aspects of my video, but I choke and do the most shallow explanations I can think of, as quickly as possible, to get everyone over with.
If I were to learn something from this, it would maybe be to present a piece of work that I am more proud of, and perhaps show some of my friends and family and get their honest feedback on what they think and how they think I should go about changing anything.
Although it was quite interesting seeing other peoples work. Especially since I haven’t actually spoken to many people in this class, so its kind of strange but refreshing to kind of have this opportunity to “meet” them without actually speaking to them… but that could also be a bad thing I guess.