
This week’s tutorial consisted of going over project brief 2, and making us really think about how we can successfully represent ideas visually. I’ve always thought that I can communicate ideas visually, but these ideas have never really been myself, as a subject, so I’m finding it difficult to see how I can approach this project.

The editing practices for this project are supposed to be “creative and meaning-making” which is going to be quite difficult, considering I don’t have a great deal of experience with editing, just the basic stuff. The video we are to make is only a minute long so everything I deem necessary will need to be squished in to the time frame, which shouldn’t be too bad, especially since we can use editing for this one.

We are also being marked on texture, which is a diversity of media materials, but I don’t really understand this part of the project, I assume its just maybe different pieces of audio with photos and videos integrated with each other, maybe some examples of print media, but I don’t really think I can incorporate that.

For editing I was thinking I could do some tests with overlays of different pieces of footage, and still trying to make it look smooth, not awkward and unappealing. I could also do some tests with warmer and cooler filters on the footage.

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