I need to get more creative with these titles

For the media 1 practical class this week, it was more of an informal session because of the public holiday on Monday meant that some students would go without a class and it would be unfair for others to have a class and possibly put others at a disadvantage.

So at the start of the class we were allowed to go to the library, go take photos/videos/audios or stay in the class. I thought it would be the most beneficial for me to actually go out and shoot some photographs for this current assignment. The assignment is to create these works in an attempt to form a “self portrait”. For one of my photographs I wanted to just have a flying Aboriginal flag, because I believe that this would communicate how important my background heritage is to me. So I walked around the city and found some buildings with the Aboriginal flags but it wasn’t very windy so it was difficult to get a good photo so I have to continue to work with that idea.

At this point, I’m more confident in what I can communicate about myself through photographs but I am slightly concerned about how I am going to capture an essence of myself through numerous audio and video clips, especially since there is no editing allowed to these works.

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