It is finally finished. For the past seven weeks we have been working tirelessly to make this project to the best of our ability. There were many setbacks, but also a couple of lucky breaks that spurred us on to produce a project that we can all be proud of. In the pre-production phase I would have never thought that the film would have turned out this way as it is quite different from my initial first draft. That is what happens when you first pen to paper, but when you actually get the actors, locations and equipment together there is a degree of improvisation that is needed to capture the best possible footage. The long days spent in the editing booths alongside the editors to supervise the process from having raw footage to polished finished product, both fun and challenging. This allowed us to reflect on the work we have done up to that point as each clip has a story behind it. My choice to enroll in this class was justified by this rewarding experience. When other classes’ assignment began to pile up, it proved to be a challenging time, especially these last few weeks. Thankfully all the theory for Story Lab was completed by week six as the rest of the semester was dedicated to the project which allowed us to do a better job.
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