As I stated in my intention post, my aim was to make a postcard and a poster for the exhibition. Now that it has past what I contributed to the event is as follows: A Poster, a postcard and a post with the embedded videos and a contextualized statement.
This turned out to be more than I internally anticipated to do but i guess it was for the benefit of the group so I didn’t really mind (that much). The postcard seemed to be a wasted effort on my part since the task was outsourced and by the time I was notified it had already been finished. The poster was finished and was part of my expected duties. The post with the embedded videos and a contextualized statement was a last minute addition since I was unable to get in touch with the rest of my group members so I took it upon myself to finish up these tasks. The videos had to be submitted to the media server at RMIT University and since I live a considerable distance away from the campus, so I decided to reach out to my group members but one was busy and I received no ward from the other. Therefore I opted to submit them via Google Drive in their original quality.
This turned out to be quite a grueling week for me since I had a number of tasks that I had not anticipated to be doing. The fact that it was also a busy week at work didn’t help things but at least it is now behind me and now I can finally enjoy a well deserved break