The last couple of weeks have been quite hectic but it’s almost at an end with the final week left to finish the project. We are now currently at the editing phase where we go through all the sound and footage we have gathered these past weeks and select the best ones for the film. In the Thursday class we spent some time reviewing the rough cut of several scenes and made choices on what to keep, what to take out and what to add. Having the whole group there was really helpful as it gave a chance to talk face to face about our ideas and discuss them further with each other. Since most of my work has been in the pre-production and production phase I still have been able to help out by giving notes and going through specific sequences with the editor when he had trouble remembering the order. We are planning to meet up again next week at an editing suite so we can review the footage for a final time before we export it. If we do happen to make a change it would be much more time effective to make it before it is exported since rendering is very time consuming.