The reading by Carl Newport revolves around the notions of creators having either a Crafts man’s Mindset or the Passion Mindset. Newport introduces us to the former by sharing his experience with a man that lives by that mindset. He makes a point to distinguish between the two as he states that Crafts man’s Mindset focuses on what you can offer the world, while the Passion Mindset is what the world can offer you. It is very clear which one the author prefers as he lists all the positives of the first mindset and all the negatives for the last one.
The section on Steve Martin was unexpected as his quote of “be so good they can’t ignore you” was interesting. This is the quote I wanted to write about the most as there are two competing sides of me that I can’t quite decide to be my singular option. On the one hand it is inspiring as the part where you get to showcase your talent and hard work over a prolonged period of perfecting your craft. Success is then well deserved and it would make you humble that you had to toil to ‘make it’. But here is what I have a problem with it. Steve Martin is a comedic genius that diverged from the norm to create his own unique style at the time. I am not looking to revolutionize the industry, I just want to work in it and it is a bit discouraging that he makes it sound that I have to be at his level to have any kind of success.