Collaboration. In a perfect world everyone in a group would contribute equally by utilizing their skills in order to achieve a certain goal. This is not a perfect world but we try our best to do our fair share of work. This can ‘work’ can come in many shapes and form such being on time to group meetings, responding to any concerns that others have and making yourself available for production.
I can’t say that I have been actively involved in all aspects of the project as the ones that felt they are better suited for certain areas I was not would have made my involvement intrusive. The idea of having too many cooks in the kitchen is especially true when writing as if everyone writes about the same thing and each have their own interpretation, finding a compromise can be hard. So with this in mind giving feedback on what was written and having test footage of ideas from the scripts was really all there was to do in the pre-production phase.
As for the shoot itself we all outlined our availability so that we could find a suitable day for us to get together and film. A little last minute drama aside the shoot was completed relatively smoothly. Since we can’t all be Robert Rodriguez, a crew was necessary to film and with most of the group present; we had enough people in front and behind the camera to finish. I was responsible for monitoring the sound for the shoot and spot for the boom mic operator. I helped out with the location scouting while at the gardens which allowed us to shoot at some quite stunning locations.
In the editing phase we agreed that we will go and do our edit of the footage and share it with the rest of the group so we can determine which part work and ones don’t and now that I finished and exported my project I will share it with the group and see what we can put together. This way it allows us to craft our vision for what should be shown and how it should be shown. This is a liberating feeling as I can cut it the way it I want and share it with others. It will be interesting what we will craft as it would seem we all have a unique take on what we have shot.
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