Keyboard Short Cuts
I decided to do the colour grading exercise first just to see if I can find a short cut that will make my life easier when editing later on. That didn’t take long since I’m using an older laptop than most, these days it doesn’t quite keep up with the editing software I run on it. This forces me to render very often because if I don’t I will be watching the clip frame by frame. So I looked up ways to counter this and found out that I need to render these sequences so that they can run smoother. When I go on the sequence tab to render I noticed it had the short cut “enter” right next to the render function. This saves me a lot of time considering I render so often, which will make the time until I get a new laptop all the more bearable.
Another keyboard short cut that I found useful was the one to maximise frame with a simple press of the shift and the grave accent key. This saves a lot of time since I don’t have to move my mouse to the frame and bring down the options and click “maximise frame”. This is especially useful when wanting to take a closer look at the work I have been working on. There I noticed that there is some disparity between what I see on the small preview screen and the bigger one so I have to keep that in mind when editing in the future since the bigger one is closer to the final product than the smaller one. This will hopefully mean that the products I produce from now on will be closer to what I envision when I’m editing.