Content: HD
I thought the content of Non-Fiction was fantastic. Before going, I wasn’t expecting to be interested at all in the seminar as I’ve never really been a fan of documentaries. However, the guests and their experience in the industry really made the seminar informative and interesting. It was definitely Genevieve Bailey who stole the show though, as her story about getting her film shot over a long period of time and screened at film festivals was simply inspirational, particularly for aspiring filmmakers. Thus, I think the Documentary group have done a great job with their content, as they had found terrific guests in such a short amount of time (they were the first seminar).
Approach: D
I found the way the group approached their seminar was competent. The way the guests were introduced was clear and all the questions were handled well. The main thing that kept me engaged were the guests. The seminar itself had no hiccups that I can remember – everything was on time and I was never taken out by any mistakes.
Theme: C
In terms of the posters and promo material, Non-Fiction did work in the theme that the steering committee set. However, I never saw that in the name of the seminar or the way the seminar was set up, from the slide show and the host. I think if the name had a more ‘criminal’ spin, it would’ve been more in line with the other seminars, and the ‘Wanted’ theme. The slideshow could’ve also had some quirky elements hinting at a criminal theme.
Staging: D
The staging was simple but effective. The lighting was top-notch on the guests, and everything fit very nicely on stage – nothing distracted you. It’s a good example of less is more I think. The sound was solid, and although I did think the slideshow needed a bit more character, it was still clear and to the point.
Promotion: HD
I loved the posters of Non-Fiction and saw them around RMIT during the week of the seminar. I think the Documentaries group did a great job of promoting their event by using posters as well as social media, inviting a lot of people to the Facebook event.