Content: HD
Similar to Non-Fiction, I wasn’t expecting to find much interest in the Television seminar as I never really had plans to pursue a career in television after I graduate. However, again I was proven wrong and my expectations were blown away. Breaking In had some great guests, and what I liked most was that they were all interesting. With the previous seminar, it was Bailey who I found most interesting, with the others not making much of an impression, but all the guests of Breaking In were highly qualified professionals and had great things to say.
Approach: HD
I found the way the group approached their seminar to be excellent. I was fully engaged with Breaking In, not only because it was really interesting, but it was genuinely hilarious, particularly the host who was witty and charismatic. The slide show was in theme with their posters, and the video they played at the start was a very clever way to introduce their seminar and the host himself.
Theme: HD
I think the Television group took the Wanted theme and ran away with it. The name ‘Breaking In’ was a clever reference, and when I saw that they were giving out fake meth at the door, I was utterly impressed. It was also very smart to theme the seminar like it was game show, again a clever way to tie into the television theme. The breaks in between the talks about the industry using hilarious trivia questions not only made it fun for the audience, but also for the guests themselves. You could tell that they were enjoying themselves, and that was great to see.
Staging: HD
The staging fit with the game show theme, and it was very clever. I’m tempted to say that there maybe was too much going on in terms of props on the stage, but again, it fit with the game show theme so I can’t flaw the group on that. Lighting, sound and the slide show were also excellent.
Promotion: HD
I loved the poster as it was a great parody of Breaking Bad’s style, and I have to praise the group on the way they promoted the seminar around campus, with Breaking In posters all over Bowen Street and on the digital screen at Building 9.