Visual Feedback // Seeing the Unseen V2 // Assignment 4

On Wednesday the class each showed rough drafts of their audio / audio-visual components of Assignment 4. It was really great to see almost everyone’s ideas slowly and surely come into a reality, and it was really inspiring to see how passionate everyone was about what and how they chose to notice. I was a little nervous about showing mine. I really wanted feedback, but I wasn’t sure how to express what I wanted to tell and get people to notice. I think this was the case because I really feel like the best way to experience my Korsakow project is knowing nothing and just diving head first into it, and seeing what you as a viewer notice.

On a side note, I discovered RMIT had cords for my underused micro-HDMI input and was actually able to play it through my computer, which was pretty cool and a first time for me.

I only had the intro and a room complete in Korsakow to present, but I felt like that was a clear showcase of what my project was going to be like and how audiences would experience it. Some great feedback I received was to use screengrabs of where the actual video leads to. To elaborate, when we open up to the shot of the front door, instead of the preview of the next video being a shot of inside the hallway, it should be a close up of the door, so people can connect to the journey more.

I’m really excited to continue crafting this process of noticing. Korsakow is nothing like I have ever used before, and I feel strongly about its ability to allow people to notice more, because the interactive aspect of it is such a different type of engagement. I really hope people notice different aspects of the project in my Assignment 4, and that each person walks away feeling a little different.

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