Creative Test Reflection // Infinite Lists // Assignment 4

Throughout both Infinite Lists and Seeing the Unseen v2, one of the biggest themes/ideas that has permeated how I make and think about film is this idea of “informed noticing” (Brasier2018, pg. 67). Hannah talks about noticing these unnoticed and unseen patterns or similarities in the world around us (Brasier 2018, pg. 67), and while I do apply my ‘informed noticing’ in that regard, I feel like my mind is more focused in noticing grander themes in the frame, in scale, not importance. For example, recently I’ve been fascinated by how emotive a frame can be, especially when there really isn’t any explicit or intended narrative to it. Just how a moving image makes you feel, and I am so happy that we as a group in this upcoming assignment are all interested in this idea. I feel like this attention to noticing any and all aspects of a frame makes me so much of a more attentive and engaged filmmaker, whether its in areas of experimentation or not.

So for our creative test this week, we decided to make/repurpose clips of things that evoked feeling and emotion from us, and while following some constraints, seeing how all four of our different minds worked alongside our prompt;  How can we use new media forms to correlate a poetic list of individual fragments in a non-narrative way?

Even though we spoke about the ideas we wanted to explore within the prompt, its so interesting to see how varied each of our creative tests are. Each person had their own unique take on longing, and in this current stage, that’s so exciting. Mine are towards the end middle, with the picnic, party and layered concert videos. Im really proud of how still and seemingly lifeless the two original clips are, and how they feel really sad to me. I had a lot of fun playing around with colour too, especially with the picnic scene. I added both a cold and warm grade, and would love to know which you the reader like better. I think going forward, we might need to close in on a specific style a bit more, as these are all so vastly different, but I would still really like to keep the variety to some degree.

Brasier, H., 2018. ‘List,’ in: Attunings: Multilinear Ways of Thinking About, Making With and Sensing the World (Links to an external site.). RMIT University, Melbourne, pp. 52–67.

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