Another Groups Presentation // Film Light // Assignment 3

So as stated by both Robin and Assignment 3 (which was most likely subsequently written by Robin, but nevertheless), we are tasked to write a reflection on a specific groups presentation, as well as our own. I have chosen to do my reflection on Eleanor, Noah and Jagger’s presentation and presented exercise.

Their group’s mission statement was to explore how many lighting setups could you produce with only one lamp, one cutter and one bounce board. To do this, they recreated famous shots from films with distinctively different lighting setups, as to create variety and challenge in their first practice of Assignment 4.

The four films they chose to recreate or sweede for any Be Kind Rewind Fans, included:

  • Lost In Translation (1997)
  • IT (2017)
  • Her (2013)
  • Arrival (2016)

These film choices ranged from naturalistic to stylistic, with the Arrival scene in particular being incredibly striking in their recreation. Another favourite of the four they did was the sewer scene from IT, which helped a lot in part by how much effort they put into their BTS explanations I will touch on later

They created a basic studio in Noah’s home living room, using black curtains, c-stands, shot bags and the equipment outlined in their brief. They provided lots of behind the scenes images of each film, which I really liked. It showed they put a lot of effort into making sure all their descriptions and outlines of how they recreated each scene, which was very detailed and easy to follow. Overall, the character and tone of both Eleanor and Noah whilst presenting was charismatic, well-spoken and very engaging!

But back to their descriptions of the shots, the group was very open and honest with how they perceived each scene, stating various things they felt to be flawed, or that they wished they had done differently. This was really impressive to see, as it hard to honestly look at your shortcomings and reflect on that to an audience.

Everyone’s presentations were great though, with lots of effort and thought being put into both the pre-production of the experiment, the production phase, and the post-production analysis. Congrats to the Film Light class!


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