Instagram Week 3 – Video // Networked Media // Week 11


This video was taken on the 5th or 6th floor of building 10 at RMIT University, with the door connecting the library entrance and common rooms to extra common rooms and classrooms.


This video was recorded around 4 meters away from the doorway that is framed above. Whilst roaming with the intention to find a glass doorway to film, I stumbled upon this walkway and readied the rear camera of my Samsung S9+ and the Instagram app to record a few seconds. I waited for people to not be walking through the main section (for a clear and naturally shadowed frame, as well as minimizing embarrassment) and captured the doorway. Unlike my previous videos, this series of moving images is not a clean cut, and has a slight millisecond cut around the start. This is because my finger slipped, and I only realised now!

I then proceeded to edit the video immediately after capturing, as I was in a rush for my next class. I used the thematic Inkwell filter, bringing its intensity down between 60 and 80 %. However, the footage looks more saturated compared to previous posts.


After editing the image, I played around with vague and ambiguous titles, settling on “Divide”, based on the physical divide between the doorway in the foreground and the doorway in the background. This post was the 4th video uploaded to the Instagram account for my Assignment 3 and the 8th post overall.

This was not my first attempt to video the doorway. The first few attempts were very still, with only my shaky hands being noticeable movement. I then waited like a creep, for someone to walk around in the background, and then captured what we have above.

Furthermore, the image was location tagged at RMIT University before posting.


The post followed the same 5-period separation between the title and the hashtags, which all followed the same, nuanced and simplified format of the previous posts. Consistently hashtagging #doors, #rmituniversity and #desaturated seems to gain traction beyond my limited follower group, attracting the engagement of 7 views and 8 likes (very confused by this).

This image was also shared to my external Twitter and Tumblr accounts, which retain the same hashtags. Again, as stated in previous posts, I am yet to see a significant influence from either of these platforms.

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