Instagram Week 3 – Pictures // Networked Media // Week 11

Picture 1

This picture was taken after leaving one of my media studio classes, on my way out to Swanston St to catch the trams. It is of the big motor operated doors that divide the outside courtyard area from buildings 10 and 12 of RMIT University


Picture 2

This image was captured near the elevators on the fourth floor of building 10, of the two big push and pull doors that nicely segment the areas between the access to other levels and the cafes.


The first image was taken whilst standing directly in the middle of the big motorised doors, which just happened to be opening at the time I strolled past this are of the university. I quickly opened up my Samsung S9+, opened Instagram and switched to my Assignment 3 account via the quick switch tab in the top left-hand corner of the profile bubble. From there, I tried to centre the door frame in the middle of the square dimensions Instagram provides, with breathing room for the light to seep into the frame. Just as I was about to snap a picture using my rear-facing camera on the capture tab of Instagram, a fellow passerby walked into frame. However, whilst I had feared this would have ruined the image, it actually worked out really well, and after editing the image with a 60 to 80 % saturated Inkwell filter, I feel like the product came out almost cinematic.

The second image is a lot less meaningful or interesting. Whilst waiting for the elevators, I turned to my left to see these two big physically operated glass doors, with a shopfront sign sticking out in the background. I was in need of a second image for the third batch of posts to the Instagram account, so I waited until the door was clear, and took the image using my Samsung S9+’s rear camera through the Instagram app. I was really happy with the composition of the shot, and after desaturating the photo with the Inkwell filter, it made the ‘cafe’ sign pop out like a beacon of light (which is pretty unreadable in the screen grab above)


The first photo is titled more alongside the overarching theme of minimalism and simplicity, “Passage”. This felt fitting due to the huge overarching doorway allowing what is such a small being in comparison to pass through, felt very Lord of the Rings-esc. This was my 4th photo uploaded to this Instagram account and the 7th post overall.

The second photo follows a previous and less prominent trend of titling the works by their literal features, such as the previously posted “Reflective Slide”. In this case, the post is titled ‘Cafe’, due to the sneaky inclusion of the RMIT coffee house sign. This was the 5th image uploaded to the ‘watch_the_doors’ account, and the 9th and most recent post at the time of writing.

Both of these images were my first choices for uploads once they inspired me, and only took one take. Furthermore, they were both tagged at RMIT University before posting.


Both images use the same 5 period spacing between their titles and hashtags. Furthermore, both posts use almost identical hashtags to distribute the post further than my 4 followers, with the essential #doors, #city and #melbourne. The first post does include a new hashtag, #open, due to its wide-open door frame.

The first picture has 7 likes, and the second one has 6. This is a drop in engagement compared to my previous video and image content. Both images and hashtags were externally shared to my  Twitter and Tumblr accounts.

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