Instagram Week 1 – Video // Networked Media // Week 9


This video was taken whilst waiting for my tram home outside building 80 of RMIT University. I liked the slow, methodical slide of the sliding door, and how it was both see-through and slightly reflective, fitting the theme of the account


I walked up to the sliding door of the building, standing about a meter away as to not block both the doorway or the footpath it entered out onto. From there, I waited for the door to open, and began to take a clean, no break clip of people walking in through the door, with the intention of stopping recording once the door had fully closed. I used the back camera of my Samsung S9+, captured through the direct video selection of the ‘post’ screen, so the process of posting the video to Instagram was the most convenient.

From there, I cemented my colour pallet theme and applied a 60-80 % saturated ‘Inkwell’ filter to the video, giving it a desaturated look. I kept the original audio from the video, as I felt like it added a soundscape to the piece.


I continued with the titling theme of the image before this, going for the literal title ‘Reflecting Slide’, because of the reflection the door creates and the motion of which it travels. I then used 5 spaced out periods to isolate the title from the hashtags.

This was the second post to the Instagram account, which began the theme of ‘Image, Video, Image’, which I plan to continue throughout the assignment.  I tagged the location as Melbourne City Centre, even though it was taken at RMIT, purely because it was the first option to pop up.


I continued with the abundance of ‘basic’ and obvious hashtags to again, reach further than my at the time 0 fan base. These included the typical #doors, #desaturated and #melbourne. Furthermore, I added some video specific ones, such as #video, and some content specific ones, such as #reflections. As of writing, this video has 7 likes.

This first week’s batch did not include any further distribution, to see the effects it has on engagement, which included this video.

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