Concept Feedback // Seeing the Unseen V2 // Assignment 4

In Wednesday’s class, a handful of the class sat around a table and gathered all and any pieces of our Assignment 4 project we had ready. For some, this meant pulling out test footage and/or audio. For me, this meant inspirational research pieces and idea briefs. We went around the circle in a round robin fashion and both people were given 5 minutes each to present what they had at the time for their partner, describe and evaluate on their ideas, and get feedback from the person they were presenting to, and vice versa.

My idea for the audio-visual aspect of Assignment 4 is to create an interactive journey through a house and tell a story using audio about what happened, using the application, Korsakow. This was a very new idea to me at the time of pitching to my peers, and while it is more developed as I write this development blog post, during Wednesday’s class, I was very bare bones.

One of the most helpful ideas my partners and I developed was to talk about how you ‘know through vision, but you learn through audio’. This is exactly what I want to with my final piece. Static or slow panning shots of still objects and environments, but with the soundscape I want to create, the story and context of the piece will be clearer / more open to interpretation.

Some other ideas that have been really helpful were the idea of slow pans, an excellent mic hired from building 9 and how moving through a space can tell a lot about the environment. These have helped me develop the narrative and choice aspects of my final piece. How to guide audiences through a story and make them think they are discovering it for themselves.

This feedback session was really helpful, especially in inspiring me to make what I want to make and evaluating how I want to do it.


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