Final Footage // Seeing the Unseen V2 // Assignment 3

Today I went out and shot the rest of the footage needed to complete my last couple edits of the audio-visual aspect of Assignment 3. A key takeaway from the pitch feedback I received in Monday’s class was that my final shot needs to end with a bang and be a culmination of all aspects of my work, video and audio included. The panel members suggested that maybe I should go more urban and fully industrial, something that was present in my recipe originally but that I ended up skipping over as an aesthetical choice. I decided to meet the idea halfway, and film more urban areas of the suburb and partly the city. I walked around my neighbourhood, more around the housing complexes and apartment blocks, filming aspects of the world I had not yet portrayed in the previous edits of my Assignment 3, things that were more industrial than nature. Some of these include washing lines, trucks and graffiti, the latter of which can be seen as a raw file with the link below.

The above shot to me was a great example of an urban aspect of a suburb, as graffiti is often called urban street art. The bland, yellow and brown/marrone of the walls the graffiti is tagged onto is very dull and lifeless, and while the whole film is quite desaturated, this will be more noticeably so in the final edit, to contrast between the nature heavy sections of the film. Furthermore, the sounds of cars zooming by are more present in both this shot and the other shots taken today, which is another way in which the industrial and urban sections of the film will contrast.

Overall, I really like these final shots I gathered. While I want to save the very final shot for the first full viewing of the assignment, I am especially proud of how it turned out. I spent an hour walking around my neighbourhood looking for the perfect angle for it. Let’s hope it was worth it!

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