Census: The Musical #censusfail

Here I am having finished Project Brief 2 and wondering what monstrosity I created. After a string of bad luck, I ended up with a  shortage of time with my friend Obed to actually practise any kind of original song for my genre sketch on the film musical, so naturally we improvised about current events, namely the ABS census which of course was a total non-event. We recorded a total of six different combinations of music and song, exploring different ways in which performers can break into song. This linked really nicely to my piece exploring Barry Keith Grant’s “Charmed Space” and the way in which it is constructed by characters and filmmakers. The charmed space essentially refers to this holy, seperate space that the performer, as a character is separated from the other characters via some dimension sometimes distance, sometimes time. The idea is that this separation creates a space for the audience to suspend disbelief. For our song about the census, the key was the way in which the introduction took place. For the recording I chose, we used the piano as a way of easing into song. The difficulty here is that without vision it’s almost impossible to distinguish which element of the diegesis the defining “seperate” factor for the charmed space, that is something I would love to explore in my final sketch. Sadly, due to the constraints of PB3, I cannot use the musical genre in PB3, but that can only result in a more diverse selection of work. I look forward to what comes next.

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