What do you want?

Day one of a Media degree and the question was asked what do you want from the degree? After pondering the answer to this question I could only return a couple of answers in my notebook and they were as follows:

1. Properly understand how to create meaningful expression – not just wing it

I have found that, particularly as a filmmaker, a lot of what I learn is from watching other people’s work and I would love to have someone teach me how to elicit responses. What particular heart strings can you pull with a cut from a close up to a painful wide. How can someone so gracefully break the heart of the audience and have them laughing in the space of three minutes like Pete Doctor does in Pixar’s Up.

2. Talk about media things sort of pro like

I can’t believe I actually wrote that. However, in theory, this is very important to self presentation. Especially in my freelance work, I constantly have to talk to potential clients and tell them why what I am doing is going to work for them and how can you do that if you can only express things as “That thing they do in that third Indiana Jones movie where he walks across the bridge that isn’t really there and the camera kind of suspends in the air”

3. Know and understand the industry

The media industry is massive and yet so many people claim to have trouble getting into it. I would like to properly understand the options I have, how extensive is the Australian film industry, does narrative television have a future in Australia or does everyone actually want to watch the (struggles to find adequate word) that graces our screens like My Kitchen Rules.

4. Gain insight into how new media forms are merging or being used inventively

I know that in many ways media is changing as the forms change, the social networks, the apps, the advertising spaces, as everything changes so do the places in which media exists and being at the forefront of that change is exciting.

5. Finally, how can I be better at working with others

I am excited about the possibilities of finding people at university that somewhat care about my passions. It is always a struggle to find people that have similar interests and this is finally the time.

I look forward to the years ahead 🙂

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