Why I Hate the Sub-Tweet; a spontaneous twitter essay

I’m not a psychologist and I have no empirical evidence of any statements I make, here I just attempted to explore the consequences of abusing the virtual platforms and personas we access daily.




It’s really a pet-hate. It did cause me to think about the psychology behind it though.

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Reflections on a week past, and a new blogging idea

First off I’d like to say I’m a bit bummed I missed out on the symposium last week where some of the discussion was based around hypertext narratives and video games. I had just returned from a 4 day trip to Sydney where I was doing some work attachment with Oceanic eSports (check out the photo album from the weekend here) so Tuesday was a bit of a write off since I was required to upload media etcetera etcetera. I always have something to say about games as a medium though so despite missing out I’ll be sure to have something about video games up soon. Before that thought, I had an idea that stemmed from my newfound distaste for the traditional blog… Continue reading