Lighting Lecture Reflection

Lighting being something I’m more interested in, the lecture was all quite interesting, but as for things that were particularly intriguing to learn about were concerned with how lighting is positioned, including the sun, and maintaining continuity with lighting.

The position of lighting was interesting to consider as a stylistic choice. The examples of hard and soft light, while something I’m already familiar with, illustrated much better the effects they had on the scene were. The demonstration of using reflectors helped with this too, and as accessories to the lighting were something  had never even thought about before.

Something else I hadn’t considered before was sunlight, namely it’s position and colour over the course of a day. As my group for the short film undertook the test shoot the weekend of this lecture, it was something I paid closer attention to, noticing the difference in light from the start of our day, to the end.

While on that shoot I also paid extra attention to the other important point brought up in the lecture, that is, continuity. Despite keeping the lights in the same position between each shot setup, there was a major difference in how the scene looked, so it makes sense that lighting must be changed often to maintain visual continuity, even if the light falls differently between shots.

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