Weekly Response | Week 4

“Narration assimilates information by recounting it in the synecdochical mode.” Ernst explains, describing the way narrative tells it’s story. Synecdoche is to use parts to depict a whole, or vice versa. This leads me to consider again the form of the interactive documentary. Pertaining to my last ramble on it, I maintain that this form of documentation cannot portray or tell a single narrative as it holds no foundation to deliver one.

The narrative in this form is elucidated on the viewer’s part with exposure to the fragments available to them. As they navigate sporadically through the piece, the order and pacing – decided by them – offers form enough for them to build a narrative out of it, if any at all.

Can YouTube be considered a form of interactive documentary? I realised that it acts a lot like Korsakow for example that recommends videos based on words in the video’s tag list and title. Though there’s no narrative intended between each video, it adheres to the form of interactive documentary; it allows for users to upload their own content which is added to the global pool of content that documents places, people, themes, or ideas.

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