I base what I’m doing, and how I’m faring in terms of my work upon the work of others.
It’s a terrible habit, because I know that I’ll never see my own work as being better than others, and I always assume people are far more in the know than I am.
I say this because I’ve been perusing the blogs of my fellow Network Media students, and have seen a few that look to be run by people who know what they’re doing.
I barely know what the hell I’m doing.
Does this count as an entry that has something to do with the course? Or is this me just babbling on trying to find any excuse to actually post an entry.
I’ll side with the latter, but ya never know!
That’s up to the incredibly intelligent and inspirational lecturers and tutors who will be marking my blog (g’day guys if you’re having a read).
Am I allowed to be completely myself and unleash a tirade of swearing and borderline politically incorrect statements (not that I’m anywhere close to being a racist, homophobic, xenophobic, or any of the other “phobe’s”. I just find colourful language and imagery get the point across).
I mean, this is still an educational institution, and my experience with said institutions has usually been slightly against my attempts to be ‘colourful’.
But if the tutor can say the “F” word whilst running the tutorial, why the fuck can’t I say it on my blog.
Another I addressed in my previous post was what my online persona is/would become.
I feel that naming my blog, “Jacob’s Blog” is not all that creativity. And well, it’s shit.
So I did what any creative genius with endless amounts of internal material to draw upon would do, and simply used my username.
Which is just a stylised version of my name.
Academy Award for best Original Screenplay here I come!