
My first reflection of this course spoke about my goal to combine all the skills I’ve learnt in previous studios into a single large-scale work that combines my input in writing, camerawork and sound production. As this is my last studio at RMIT, I wanted to be able to see my development over the years applied together and have something to show for it all. Even though I imagined them slightly differently at the start of year, I definitely do still have a lot of pride in these last two productions, not for the fact that they’re a culmination of my previous experience (which I believe they aren’t, but more on that later) but because they were a learning experience in the functioning of a group in a major project. Most of my previous studios, while they were still centred around group exercises, were still quite individually focused in the way they were able to be delegated; each member essentially performed the same role, i.e. filming the same number of mini videos each, making it feel more like a group of people doing a number of smaller assignments rather than them all collaborating on the one. In comparison, these last assignments were a lot more enjoyable in the sense that everyone was given a strict, specific role that they alone were responsible for, which definitely made my contributions to the group feel a lot more defined. I found that I prefer this approach a lot more; in previous groupwork there were often clashes in opinion owing to the lack of leadership and specificity, with some members taking on too much and trying to dictate and take over other people’s ideas, and others simply not doing enough, knowing that another member could just step in and account for their lack of effort. If anything, I think this showed to me that the kind of dynamic in which I could be responsible for one specific role, like what would happen in a professional film set is better suited to me than I initially thought.

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