
For our audio-visual project we decided to explore the theme of intrinsic emotion, creating pieces based around four distinctly different emotions; tranquillity, anxiety, excitement/fear and hopelessness. The visual component will not follow a narrative, rather it will primarily consist of setting/location shots interwoven with first-person POV, with some various effects such as distortion and colour alteration added in post to emphasise the emotion it is meant to convey. The reasoning behind the POV is to create some form of characterisation without specifically creating a narrative, as this character will serve as a receptacle to house the each emotion explored. As the four emotions we’re exploring are for the most part quite different and unconnected, the audio will therefore be just as different for each. With this in mind, we decided to link each audio piece with a small but recognisable motif common across the four pieces, in order to link them despite being thematically and sonically different.

To convey the theme of emotion, we wanted to focus on the previous class discussions of diegetic vs non-diegetic sound, designing pieces around the latter to give listeners the sense of being inside another’s mind, thus allowing them to both understand and experience their intrinsic feeling. Non-diegetic sound in film or TV is often used to express feelings or moods that cannot be expressed through the sound of the environment (such as internal character narratives), or more prominently, to emphasise these feelings and immerse the audience within them (such as the use of mood music). Our audio will therefore not include any environmental noise nor any sound related to the setting of the visuals, to give the impression of all sound being contained within the head of our character; we believe this is the most effective way to express the theme of intrinsic emotion.

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