
For Café, I volunteered for the role of camera operator, and contributed to the script and storyboard by planning out a lot of the shots in advance. For the most part, we translated the majority of these shots into the filming itself, but only a small percentage made it into the final cut. As the story altered slightly from the planning phase to the final product, a lot of the shots we had written out no longer would have fit into the scene. I think like The Negotiation, the camera work could have used some more variety. During both the planning and filming, I wanted to include a lot of moving shots, such as a tracking shot of Liv walking into the café, an establishing shot of empty tables, and a series of moving close ups of Lyreca to convey the awkwardness and unease of the scene. Some of these had to be cut for locational reasons; the outdoor café was definitely not the location we had planned, and the constant switching between rain and sun was extremely frustrating, meaning some shots were no longer logistically possible, and others looked sub-par in the bad weather and less than ideal setting. Others were filmed but did not make it into the final cut due to script changes. I am pretty disappointed that we couldn’t include a wide range of shots, as it would’ve made the piece a lot more dynamic and expressive. Secondly, I think the story could have been conveyed a bit clearer; the original script had a lot more exposition through Lyreca’s voice over, a lot of which also didn’t make it into the final cut for whatever reason. I feel like as a narrative driven video, the story needs to be the most engaging part; I feel like we could have improved through a more concrete script and plan, though I am not exactly sure why these extra scenes were dropped so I can’t be certain. General lighting was another issue; however, this was mostly due to the aforementioned location and weather issues, and there was little we could have done to remedy it considering we had already filmed a good amount of the scene by the time the weather turned bad. Again, this is a piece I’m overall pretty happy with, and I think for the most part the team worked pretty well together.

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