
This audio project is based off a fictional character I designed some time ago. Isran is a highly religious amnesiac who left his home to live as a nomad some time ago. Due to his condition causing him to forget the events of the previous day, as well as his physical health waning as a result of his nomadic lifestyle, he believes he is trapped in a cycle of rebirth in which he dies every night only to resurrect the next day. Essentially, his story revolves around his belief that his god is keeping him alive because his purpose in life is incomplete, and he is searching for his divine purpose so that he can peacefully die. While it’s far from my speciality, I have always had an interest in fiction writing, and have been meaning to adapt parts of it into my media work. The voiceover is an imagined monologue from his god, in which Isran is mocked for never finding his purpose in life. The combination of this dialogue and the background music element was heavily inspired by the band Coil, who combine spoken word vocals with an ambient backing in tracks such as Amber Rain. The music is a very simple synth composition which I chose to implement to set a particular mood, and I believe the sparsity of the composition gives a good sense of loneliness and incompleteness that Isran would have experienced. However, the voiceover itself I am not entirely happy with. The recording itself was quite low quality, having recorded on a very small mic on a Bluetooth headset. More importantly however, is the fact that I absolutely despise the sound of my voice on recordings, and this alone made me pretty disappointed in my work, which I think had some good ideas around it and a lot of potential. It’s a very pitchy and lisp-y for the voice of a supposed god. Maybe I’m being too harsh, I am curious to see its reception from other people who hate my voice a little less. Overall, I am happy with how I converted the meaning of my original observation, despite these issues.

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