
The first observation I wrote was incidentally created with its filmic potential in mind. The opening passage flips between the physically observed visuals of the lights and my own fictional interpretation of them, making comparisons between them and the lights in a tunnel, and while writing it I imagined what potential visuals might look like on film. Some of my other observations upon reflection I believe also have some filmic potential; 3, 6, 7 and 9 are heavily audio-visual centred, and 13+14 could have some interesting applications if the right soundtrack were allowed. However I feel that if I were to adapt an observation into a short film, I would have to break away quite significantly from the subject material. The written pieces themselves are obviously quite short, and the majority of them focus on just one or two observations at a time. While an entertaining film could certainly be made around a single observation if the subject matter were sufficiently engaging and enough detail was put into it, however I believe for the most part there would have to be quite a sizable expansion on what is written, and include elements such as a basic narrative possibly in the form of a voiceover, a basic interaction between characters, or simply an addition of more content if I were to make a decently entertaining film. Another approach I could take is a more conceptual route, and use the ideas presented in the observation, rather than the subject matter itself. For example, 4 has the overriding theme of distant observation as the narrator voices their own thoughts in regard to a figure, unknowing that they are being observed. This is a very simple idea which has been replicated in film a myriad of times (i.e. Rear Window or The Truman Show). While the subject matter itself in my piece may not have all too much filmic potential on its own in my opinion, there is potential for a film to be based on an entirely different narrative, that still retains the core themes of observation and surveillance.

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