
Regarding the progression of my writing style during my observations, I feel that a major change from the first to the second assessments is an increase in my writing’s objectivity as the semester has progressed. My earlier pieces, with particular regard to observations 3 and 4, had a more creative, conceptual nature which tended to hover between the thing I’m observing and my own thoughts on the observation, i.e. describing the river as a brown snake in 3, or not revealing the subject until the very end of 4. The newer pieces are more linear and objective, describing things in a literal way with a much smaller emphasis on thoughts and feelings. I believe a strength of the earlier observations was their flexibility; it was a writing style that lent itself more to creativity, allowing me to focus on the conceptual and having room to create more personal pieces similar to the way I would write fiction. I believe this style is more engaging to the reader, and also more rewarding as a writer, as the works feel not just like an observation of a distinct object or situation, but an observation of my own thoughts and feelings towards what I’m observing. The later pieces however allow me to have a stronger focus on the observation itself; the piece is easier to follow and gives the reader a more vivid description of its physical nature. While the disconnection of the author’s style from the piece is less entertaining to me personally, I believe it does result in more succinct works. In future observations I definitely want to focus on combining the two styles and find a decent middle ground in which I am able to use more conceptual or abstract descriptions of an observation, but are also very focused and concise in their explanations.

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