
Exercise 1 was definitely a good lesson in the importance of adjusting the camera to suit its environment. As our shots were taken under drastically different lighting conditions; one was set with strong high key lighting, under florescent lighting with the subject positions directly in front of a bright window, while the second had a high level of contrast, with a dark shadowy environment on one side and a contrasting florescent light on the other. After reviewing the first in class, we found that due to not adjusting our aperture appropriately for the high key lighting, the end result was well overexposed with a lot of facial detail lost, while the second had a rather unbalanced background due to the lighting contrast, meaning that the end results were pretty unappealing visually. Considering this as an introductory exercise in a field that is quite unfamiliar to me, I’m not necessarily disappointed with these results as I did expect them to need improvement; however it is definitely a standard I want to improve drastically upon by the end of the semester. Additionally, we found our efficiency with the camera was lacking; setting up the camera and adjusting the image took a long time for a very short clip. While our inexperience with this particular camera model likely had a slight contribution here, it did show that our basic universal knowledge could be improved. This is something I’ve noticed with my own personal media work throughout the previous year; while I eventually did get used to each individual camera, set up did tend to take a while. As I wrote in my first reflection, this kind of basic camerawork is an area I want to improve in this studio, and these results are a good source of reason to continue working towards this goal.

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