
Our project attempts to determine whether online, interactive, media such as interactive documentaries are more captivating due to the user interactivity, measure through clicks on the content, whilst being apart of the project. Which for Crash Course, is uploading your sound and visual or story via text and visual. The interactive media, which we have […]

Week 11 – #MappingOut

The growth of user contribution as a form of interaction within online documentary projects is causing a shift in the way screen-based documentary is conceived. Viewers become participants, taking on greater agency in forming the experience of the work as they engage by contributing personal responses to the exploration of a subject. As this idea […]

Development 4/4

This week is were some of the finishing touches were made, which were deciding on what the opening and closing videos should be, and they should be edited. I put my hand up and said that I can create these videos since I find editing easy and enjoyable. Since our documentary is about individuals journeys […]

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