Development 3/4

In relation to this weeks reading, Making (with) Korsakow, we unpacked some of the ideas that came up. Hannah split us up and we had to answer a few questions about these ideas. If I was to put them all in one sentence it was to briefly describe the idea in your own words and how does this apply to korsakow and our own project. The idea I looked into was Algorithmic editing –  “Algorithmic Editing and the Korsakow Film Ceci N’est Pas Embres” (pg. 162), which to me, means being able to edit certain types of media so that a viewer is able to access it a specific way. Through this we are able to use tags, to give the viewer a description about the medium, whilst making the tag become a function to the site. The function; being a place where they can group images and video together through words and meanings. In Korsakow, using in and out keywords also uses the sense of tagging , which allows the viewer to create their own interactive path but is limited to what the in and out keywords for each clip are.

“In other words, algorithmic editing can be seen as a technique for cutting and reassembling raw footage by following a schema or score. Here is an example of a simple, one line algorithm that could be used to algorithmically edit a film. Sequentially use every odd frame from one sequence of film and every even frame from another sequence of film to assemble a new film which alternates between the odd and the even frames. The resulting algorithmically edited flicker film would rapidly alternate between the two sequences.” – Enns, C. (2012) “Navigating Algorithmic Editing: Algorithmic Editing as an Alternative Approach to Database Cinema”, Millennium Film Journal, No. 56

After the class I also recorded all of my subjects voices for the final project in the studios of building 9. I used this location to record my previous assessment, so I knew that their was minimal static sound and gave a nice crisp sound with no echoes. I used a Zoom microphone and made sure I was getting a sound level between -16 and -8. My subjects had themes of crime, injury and the countries individuals stealing their money. All of which drew parallels with other subjects from San, Antonia, and Olivia. This was good because then we were able to associate with the same type of stories with the tagging system and have in and out keywords that linked together. Allowing for the interactive journey to create an interesting path but also there be and end at one point of the documentary.

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