Week 12

At the start of Week 10, in the opening stages of project brief 4 we used many different resources to get an idea of what a photobook truly is. For most of the class including myself, was challenged with answering what the difference between reading a photobook and glancing at it, flipping through the pages […]

Week 11 – PB4

When I think of photography the first aspect that comes to mind is looking through the viewfinder or lens and seeing a different environment in front of you. When I was growing up that’s what interested me the most about photography. The idea that when you look through the hole in the camera, the image […]

Week 10 – PB4

This week mainly focused on the creation and development of our final project brief, whilst preparing for our pitch that was said in front of two guest professionals and Brian. At the end of last week, I had an idea to take photos of something a lot more abstract than the usual portrait photography. I […]

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