Author Archives: jackiematthews
The Music Of My 2013
It is the month of reflection, and I have been realising recently what incredible power sound and music have. As we listen, we are able to recall certain times in our lives when these songs seemed to be always in the background. I began to wonder, what songs will I associate with 2013 in the future? Not nessicarily what is my most played, but what takes me back to specific experiences that I have had this year. After much reflection, I have managed to narrow down my 2013 to around 5 songs.
Girls’ Generation- I Got A Boy
This song was released on the 1st of January this year, so it is fitting that I would have to call it my ‘Song of the Year.’ If I was to choose one song that reminds me of 2013, it is this one. Having the most play counts for this year, as well as on my itunes library as a whole, I was listening to this all year, so it is somewhat challenging to choose one particular memory for this one. Regardless, I still strongly associate 2013 with this song, it not only being the background music through my experiences, but it impacted aspects of myself as well. Fun, vibrant and girly, I Got A Boy coloured my year.
Girls’ Generation TTS- Goodbye, Hello
Released in early 2012 on the ‘Twinkle‘ EP, I didn’t give this song too much attention until this year, where I would listen to it together with ‘Romantic st‘ and ‘Baby Maybe,’ two songs that also share the light and carefree feel of this song. These three tunes have the strongest memories associated with them out of all of the songs on this list, because when I listen to them, I am immediately transported back to my first semester of University. It reminds me of warm weather, newly found independence and discovery. I had to adjust to many new situations and environments this year, but I listened to these songs a lot to remind me that although this is all new and somewhat daunting, it will be okay, and to just stay positive and keep smiling.
MFBTY- Sweet Dream
I listened to this song a lot when the weather began cooling down, and it is particularly memorable for that time of my year. I had more or less settled into uni and had a grasp of what was required of me. Throughout the whole year I have put most of my effort into doing well in my classes, and I remember it was around this time when I was taking more initiative and being happy going outside of my comfort zone. My first few media projects for my writing and editing classes were around this time, so I also think of creativity and independence when I hear this song.
U-Kiss- Standing Still
Though my love affair with this song was shorter lived than the previous songs on this list, I distinctly remember listening to this a lot when walking home from uni in those last few weeks. The weather was barely warming up, it was windy, and usually quite dark as in second semester, I scheduled all of my classes for the late afternoon. By the time I got home it was usually dark, but I liked this time of year. I was accomplished, but still quite busy, my timetable suited me perfectly, and I loved the contrast of the cold air with the orange sunsets as I walked home. To top it off I listened to this song as I walked home from my last day at uni for the year, so I think of it fondly.
G-dragon- Crooked
It wasn’t until a few listens that I realised this is one of the best I have heard all year. This song really makes me feel that I am on holidays, but I particularly associate the song with this summer because it also reminds me of my independence and ambition. Last summer, although I had finished high-school, I still felt somewhat held back. And although I still have a long way to go until I reach independence, this song reminds me of these past two months, where I have felt more empowered and know that I can start being more ambitious and independent. An honorable mention for this time of year would also be the Red Hot Chili Peppers- By The Way, as I have been listening to them both a lot at this time.
There are so many other great songs that I have loved this year, but if I were to associate specific songs with my 2013, it would be this collection.
Being possibly the only person in the cohort still updating their blog, i thought i should make an entry. In particular, I’ve been thinking about goals.
in my previous entry, i stated that i have a list of goals i wish to complete. About a month ago, i made a list of resolutions and made them ‘ goals to complete while i am 19,’ because who can really be bothered waiting for the new year to set goals. Not just that, but there is a whole two months without uni until the new year finally kicks in, so its best to start working at goals now. In addition to this list, i made a smaller list of things to do before uni begins again next year. I made sure the list was do-able, but i set myself the challenge of completing at least 7 things from my wider list of resolutions. I have made a bit of a start, but so far am moving relatively slowly. So here is what i plan to do:
Since this blog is currently for my own purposes, as in, i don’t have a regular audience to cater to, I’m going to use it to keep track of these goals. Well more than that really, i want to update the blog when I’ve completed the goals. I am doing this for a number of reasons; to keep me on track and so that i don’t slack off, because continuing to use my blog is on my resolutions list, and because setting goals is a rewarding process.
In the midyear holidays i set myself 6 fairly simple goals and completed 4 of them. I will admit it was somewhat disappointing to have not completed them all, but i have carried them over to the new resolutions list, so they will get done. Having a physical list of goals is valuable protection against being stagnant and not accomplishing anything, plus it feels so rewarding once you cross something off with a pretty highlighter. My list in particular, though i will not show it here, is full of things that align with what i want to do and who i want to be. I mentioned in earlier posts that i felt i hadn’t created much this year, and i was disappointed in myself to have stopped painting and creating and doing things that i used to love, so these are things that are included in my list.
Here’s hoping i stay on track. The next time i update this blog, i will be a slightly more accomplished person. For the time being, here’s another photo of my dog.
So i have finished all the uni things i had to do this semester! Which means i am officially on holidays now, hooray. the last assignment i had to do was an essay which isn’t due until Monday, but my friend and i both decided to pull an all-nighter last night to do work, so i managed to finish it. I went to bed at 7:00am and woke up at 10:30am to finish it off, so im currently running on a couple of hours of sleep and coffee. I also did that because i was going into the city with my brother anyway so i wanted to hand it in while i was there, he hasn’t really seen RMIT before either so it was all fun.
I am so happy that I’ve finished, i have something like four months off now, that’s insane. Don’t have the money to travel yet, maybe ill go to the beach or something with friends, but not overseas. I have a list of goals for the holidays though that im looking forward to making a start on, so this is another note to future Jackie: don’t slack off, complete your goals! You know you want to!
Hooray for freedom!
So I updated my header picture, its the same picture but I made it harsher on the eyes, particularly on the tired, late night eyes that I currently have.
Now this is daunting, I am left with this blog, wanting to update it, without any course material to update it with. For some reason I imagined this being a lot easier in my head, coming up with things to write about. I suppose being confined to ones room while frantically trying to finish assignments isn’t the most inspiring environment, so that could be it. I haven’t really gone out in the world for a while.
I did start a Pinterest today though, it has helped with my creative block, I just really want to make something colourful and pretty right now… so I amped up the colour in my blog header…*pats self on back* I’ll get my groove back soon.
While I finish these things off, since I’m not feeling very inspired of late, I’ll just decorate this blog with a picture of my dog, how nice.
EDIT: So I’m messing around with my theme at the moment, the other one seemed too simple for me. I like lots of colour, so much colour its almost sickening. Actually, so much colour it is sickening… and then a little more, so lets see what I can come up with here….
Not over yet.
I’m finding it difficult to believe that my uni classes for the year are all over, particularly because I am currently working on an assignment and watching a lecture… holidays will have to wait.
I’m thinking I might try and finish my Cinema essay early, hopefully by Friday although it isn’t due until next Monday, just so I can relax and have fun sooner. Come on procrastination, don’t take me now.
As the list of assignments on my to do list dwindles down, it seems we have reached endgame. The uni year is wrapping up, and soon it will be summer holidays, so i guess this is prime reflection time. The time when the semester is basically over, but not so over that I cant be bothered writing about it, because this post will count toward my participation diary.
So, overall, I think semester two was better than semester one, my timetable was better, the content was more interesting, and the workload was better. There was more of it, but it is good to keep busy, plus finishing lots of group and partner assignments is a rewarding experience, and it was all work that i was interested in.
Lets start of with the blogging experience. Much better than i thought it would be, once i figured out the possibilities of what i could use my blog for and how it could assist me i began to embrace the experience. After the semester began and we had our first unlecture, i did give myself 3 goals for this blog that i wanted to achieve and outlined in my mid-semester essay thing (which i did not post here.) They were to create something that had a wealth of my ideas and experiences, something I could build upon, and something I could be proud of. I think it’s fair to say i have achieved these goals, i have been posting regularly enough and including enough personal content for it to be a wealthy blog (or be developing into one.) I can, and most likely will build upon it, as i want to, and the blog is also here for good. And yes, i am proud of this, i am proud that i stuck to my goals and commitments and did all my blog posts when i should, i haven’t back dated anything thus far. Each blog post i have written has been my best efforts, so i feel good about what i have achieved here.
Onto the big events of this semester, our broadcast media TV and radio assignments. Again, i feel good about the effort i put into those. I put in as much effort as i thought was necessary to complete the task to the highest standard i could. Not to mention i impressed myself with my organisation and courage in some parts, it’s scary calling possible interview candidates, particularly when they are best selling authors whom you respect greatly. But i got over that too, which meant the organisation for my radio project was much less scary.
Cinema and comm have both been on par with each other this semester, in my mind anyway. The movies screened were far more interesting this semester, as well as the concepts covered in comm.
So i think overall to describe this semester, i would say it was an interesting, engaging and enlightening experience. We did far more practical work as well as looking at concepts and ideas that were really fun. Honestly it is difficult to reflect on everything from this semester, because it has been an eventful one for me, but in terms of just the classes, overall, i think I’ve summed it up pretty well. I hope second year will be even better, or at least as good as this semester.
But, i must remember this semester is not actually over yet, i still have some assignments to complete… or begin, but it seems doable. I decided a few weeks ago to be more organised and to work on assignments earlier, and oh boy does it feel good. Assignments aren’t piling on top of each other as they normally would.