Shot List

Though I haven’t had a chance to really sit down and think about this in depth, because the physical constructing has monopolised my time, I do have a bit of an idea of how i will approach the shoot today. Through the planning of the photos, i already had an idea in my head of how it would look and how i would create it. The difficult thing to work around will be continuity. In order to get varied shots next to each other, I will have to move the camera position between just about every shot. This is because the construction is a linear progression and i cant go back a step during it. It is like filming a performance.

My game plan for beginning the shoot will be to first get general establishing shots of the board and the room. Then the sky layer, and continuing on from there until I reach the end of the ‘supreme court’ composition, shifting the camera and angles as I go. While that is drying, I can get the other shots i wanted to break up the construction with. I have the idea to have close ups of cutting out paper, pouring glue, brushing it on paper, etc. For this reason I have left the ‘dome pillar’ element as separate print outs and will put it together on camera.  Once the collage is dry, I can do the ‘money shot’ as I call it. Which is ripping off the supreme court layer from the board. From there i will continue building the collage and shifting the camera as necessary.

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