This reading touched on an idea discussed in my Korsakow meeting today, that linkages can be made between seemingly unrelated subjects to create relationships between them that can be poetic and felt. Linkages can be made by anything, from things being the same colour as each other, to having a similar emotional memory or connection to the viewer.
This made me think about how we have been collecting our clips thus far, by just filming various subjects that fit the criteria of ’round’ or ‘shadow,’ and how it would’ve been easy for me to make linkages between my clips in this way in my Korsakow film. But in the 2 hours that i was rushing to create it, artistic Jackie came out and i related them based off connections to do with place, family and movement (and i also added a pretentious sounding subtext under each one to make me sound deep and reflective.) Of course there are many was in which my film could’ve done this better, it is certainly flawed and not as poetic as described in this reading. But because of that, it created a more interesting poetic connection between clips than there was when i recorded them.