We Are Legion

We Are Legion documentary

How does this documentary alter your understanding of Internet?

It shows how powerful people can be over the internet. They don’t have to meet in person or have physical protests to wreak havoc on large organisations. It illustrates how interconnected things are online, and how a small group of individuals can make big changes. In a space where money, geography and social influence does not matter, individuals can elevate themselves as long as they have knowledge of the internet and its workings.

How is social media used to create a community of people who share a similar interest and politics?

People can conveniently connect with people over a wide range of things. Boards and groups on the internet, and thus, have no shelf space. There are groups dedicated to any topic and any conversation, and everyone can find their place. They can easily communicate because of this and communities can form quickly and become strong without ever needing to meet or leave their house.

What ideas does this documentary raise in regards to designing an event that asks people to participate and become part of a community?

People will become very involved and jump in on group mentalities if they find something they are interested and passionate about. To gather people and have a successful event, people need to connect the event to something they are passionate about. Also, members should be treated as equals and feel that they are making an impact through their involvement. This is the core of mob mentalities, that through their group activities, they are contributing and making a difference. People are more likely to participate and enjoy doing so if they feel involved in something they are passionate about.

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